how can i improve my maths and english

Since we don't know you and your study habits, we really can't answer your question. Please discuss this with your teachers. I'm sure they'll have a lot of good advice for you.

Part of the problem may be due to your study methods...or lack of them. These sites might be handy.

Although all of these suggestions may not apply to you, most of them should be helpful.

You have to do maths every single day. It's like listening to a song and before you know you know all the words of the song. The same with maths. The more you practice the better you will do

To improve your maths and English skills, here are some strategies you can follow:

1. Practice regularly: Regular practice is essential to reinforce concepts and skills. Dedicate some time every day for practising maths problems and reading/writing in English.

2. Identify your weaknesses: Take some time to assess your strengths and weaknesses in maths and English. Focus on areas where you struggle the most, such as fractions, algebra, grammar, vocabulary, or writing structure.

3. Seek guidance: Consider finding a tutor or joining a study group to get guidance and support in your learning journey. They can help you clarify doubts and provide additional resources and practice materials.

4. Utilize online resources: There are numerous websites, apps, and online tutorials available for maths and English practice. Khan Academy, Coursera, Duolingo, and Quizlet are a few popular platforms that offer interactive lessons, exercises, and quizzes.

5. Read extensively: Reading is an excellent way to improve your English vocabulary, grammar, and comprehension skills. Choose books, newspapers, or articles that interest you, and aim to read a little every day. Make note of new words or phrases you encounter and look up their meanings.

6. Write regularly: Set aside time for writing practice in English. Start with simple exercises like journaling, blogging, or even writing short stories. Pay attention to grammar, spelling, and sentence structure. You can also ask for feedback from teachers or peers.

7. Solve real-life problems: Apply maths to real-life situations to develop problem-solving skills. For example, calculating expenses, budgeting, or measuring ingredients while cooking. Look for opportunities to use maths in your daily life.

8. Set goals: Clearly define your goals and break them into smaller, achievable targets. Monitor your progress regularly, and reward yourself when you reach milestones.

Remember, consistency and perseverance are key. Keep practicing, be patient with yourself, and celebrate your accomplishments along the way.