1. ¿_______vas?

Voy a la oficina del director.

I don't know..(couldn't it be both "a" and "d")

2. 2. La cafetería no vende más_______porque son las once de la mañana.

I don't know...

¿Quieres el sombrero grande? Es muy feo.
Tienes_______. No lo compro.

I choose "c"

Please help.

1. "A dónde vas" is the right answer, since it implies going TO somewhere. Note that adónde is not one word.

2.2 One would expect a cafeteria to stop serving breakfast at 11 AM. So pick the word that means breakfast.

3. The second person is responding and saying he or she has been convinced not buy the hat because it is ugly (feo). "Tienes razón" would be the appropriate remark.

1. ¿Adónde? IS one word. With the verb "ir" you MUST have an "a" = literally TO where are you going?

2. Did you find "breakfast?" almuerzo = lunch but desayuno = breakfast

3. correct!


I apologize for my apparent error on question 1. I was lead to believe "a dónde" or "adónde" is two words because I found several Google citations of that pair of words online, in that context.

1. The correct answer to the first question is "d) Adónde". The sentence "¿_________vas?" is asking for the destination or direction of where the person is going. In this case, the person is going "to the office of the director," so we need to use the question word "Adónde," which means "to where" or "where to" in English.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the meaning of each option:
a) "Dónde" means "where." It asks about a specific location but does not indicate direction.
b) "Qué" means "what." It asks for information about an object or action but does not convey the meaning of destination or direction.
c) "Cómo" means "how." It asks about the manner, way, or method of doing something, which is unrelated to the question.
d) "Adónde" means "to where" or "where to." It is the appropriate question word to ask about the destination or direction.

2. The correct answer to the second question is "c) desayuno." The sentence mentions that the cafeteria does not sell something anymore because it is morning. In this context, the word that is missing should refer to breakfast, as it is typically served in the morning.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the meaning of each option:
a) "almuerzo" means "lunch." It refers to the midday meal, not the morning meal.
b) "rico" means "tasty" or "delicious." It does not fit the context of the question.
c) "desayuno" means "breakfast." It is the correct word to complete the sentence and maintain the context.
d) "hambre" means "hunger." It does not fit the context of the sentence.

Regarding the third question, without context, it is difficult to determine the correct answer. However, if you chose option "c) razón," it suggests that you believe the sentence conveys the meaning "You're right. I won't buy it." This response implies agreeing with the statement made about the large hat being ugly.