Revolutions represent change. How did the English, French and Industrial revolutions change the world?

Please help.
Thank you.

To start, make a list of the results of and changes brought about by each revolution.

You can start with this article.

Then research the other two revolutions.

I found some info on the french and industrial revoltuion and how they changed the world.

but I can't seem to find any on the English Revolution.

Please help.
thank you.

The link I posted points out that the king had less power and the elected representatives in Parliament gained more power.

The English, French, and Industrial Revolutions were significant historical events that brought about profound changes to societies, governments, economies, and the way people lived. Let's explore how each revolution influenced the world:

1. The English Revolution (17th century):
The English Revolution, also known as the Glorious Revolution, was a political upheaval that ultimately resulted in limited constitutional monarchy in England. Some of the key changes brought by the English Revolution include:
- The establishment of parliamentary supremacy and the limitation of the monarchy's power.
- The ideals of individual rights and freedoms gained prominence.
- The development of democratic principles, as seen in the Bill of Rights of 1689.

2. The French Revolution (late 18th century):
The French Revolution was a period of radical social and political change that overthrew the monarchy and established the French Republic. The French Revolution had significant impacts including:
- The spread of revolutionary ideals such as liberty, equality, and fraternity, which influenced subsequent independence movements and the spread of democracy worldwide.
- The rise of nationalism and the overthrow of traditional hierarchies.
- The Napoleonic Era that followed the revolution led to military conquests, the spread of revolutionary ideas, and reforms across Europe.

3. The Industrial Revolution (18th-19th century):
The Industrial Revolution marked a shift from agrarian and handcraft-based economies to machine-based industries and manufacturing processes. The impacts of the Industrial Revolution were widespread:
- Technological advancements revolutionized production methods, leading to increased productivity, economic growth, and urbanization.
- It brought about social changes, such as the rise of the working class, harsh labor conditions, and the formation of labor movements.
- The Industrial Revolution also had environmental consequences, including pollution and resource depletion.

To learn more about these revolutions and their impact on the world, you can refer to historical books, academic journals, documentaries, and online resources that provide detailed information about each revolution's causes, key events, and long-term effects.