Hi, I am preparing a presentation on Argentina- 20th century history which covers the country economically, socially and politically. Are there any websites that may help me with the social history of Argentina during the 20th century?



There are many here. In that first link, be sure to read the whole article AND to click on links AND check out the external links and further resources at the bottom of the webpage.


Certainly! Here are a few websites that may help you with the social history of Argentina during the 20th century:

1. The Argentina Project - Social History: This website provides a comprehensive overview of Argentina's social history, covering various aspects such as labor movements, women's rights, and social issues.
Website: https://www.argentinaproject.org/socialhistory

2. BBC - Argentina Profile: The BBC profile on Argentina offers a section on the country's recent history, including social and cultural aspects. It covers topics like social revolutions, Peronism, and the impact of economic policies on society.
Website: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-19828034

3. World History Encyclopedia - Argentina: A detailed article on the social history of Argentina throughout the 20th century can be found on the World History Encyclopedia. It explores topics such as immigration, urbanization, and social movements.
Website: https://www.worldhistory.org/argentina

4. Argentina: A short overview of Argentina's history, including social and cultural aspects, can be found on the CIA World Factbook. It provides key information on topics like demographics, ethnicity, and social conditions.
Website: https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/countries/argentina

Remember to critically evaluate the sources and cross-reference the information you find to ensure its accuracy and reliability. Happy researching!


To find websites that may help you with the social history of Argentina during the 20th century, you can start by conducting a search on a search engine like Google.

To do this, you can follow these steps:

1. Open your preferred web browser and go to www.google.com.
2. In the search bar, type "social history Argentina 20th century" or a similar query.
3. Press Enter or click on the magnifying glass icon to initiate the search.

The search engine will then display a list of websites that are relevant to your query. You can click on the links displayed to visit the websites and explore the information they provide.

In the search results, it's important to review the content of the websites thoroughly. Additionally, when you find a promising website, explore the different links, external sources, or further resources mentioned within the website. This can provide you with a broader range of information and references that you can use to enhance your presentation.

Remember to critically evaluate the information you find, considering the credibility and reliability of the sources. It can be helpful to cross-reference information from multiple sources to get a well-rounded understanding of the social history of Argentina during the 20th century.

Good luck with your presentation, and I hope you find the information you need!