I need help to know who said this quote. I don't have a textbook of the play, and I tried to search for it on google but it didn't help any. This is the quote "... most are busiest when they are most alone." Please help thanks.

I searched using Google's advanced search (exact phrase) and I'm told there are no results for this exact phrase.

Therefore, it's not online.

If it comes from R&J, you can go here and scan through the "modern translation" of the play:
Choose R&J, then act I and scene 1, and use only the column on the right. Start scanning; no need to read closely. Go from scene to scene until you find what you're looking for. Once you find it, you can see the original wording in the left column.

Try this site.


So would the answer be: Benvolio?

Yes, sir!

That is Benvolio speaking to Lord Montague in Act I Scene I line 135;however, its wording varies accoring to publisher/translater. I'm an English teacher

To identify the speaker of a quote without access to a specific source, you can try a few steps to determine its origin.

1. Contextualize the quote: Reflect on the themes or subject matter the quote seems to address. Considering the context may help narrow down potential sources.

2. Utilize quote databases: Websites like Goodreads, Wikiquote, or BrainyQuote provide extensive collections of famous quotes. Try searching the quote using quotation marks to find any matches. Make sure to include relevant keywords such as the topic or any distinctive phrases.

3. Explore literature databases: If the quote sounds literary in nature, databases like Project Gutenberg or WorldCat can be helpful. Enter keywords from the quote to search for relevant books or plays.

4. Consult online forums or communities: Joining discussion forums like Quora or Reddit can provide insights from individuals who may recognize the quote or its origin. You can post the quote there and ask for help or suggestions.

5. Reach out to experts: Contacting literature professors, librarians, or literary scholars might yield successful results. They possess extensive knowledge in their respective fields and may be able to identify the source of the quote based on the provided information.

Remember to provide any additional context or details about the quote that might assist others in finding its source.