I have to write a research paper.My paper topic is Explain how the treatment of women in Dicken's novel Hard Times reflects the Victorian age.

I SHOULD HAVE A CLEAR THESIS IN THE INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPH, A CLEAR LINE OF DEVELOPMent and arguments.Title has to be more specific than topic. I wrote for now introductory paragraph.Is this OK?Do i have to change or add something?How does it sound?And I have problem with giving a title-i do not know how to name it.

From Hard Times we can get a clear picture how women in Vicorian age are treated.However, not all women are treated the same. There is a distinction between women who belong to a high society and those who are part of middle and lower classes. But all women in general are treated unfair. They can not vote or own property. Their only role is to sit at home and be with children, like Mrs. Gradgrind does. Bad working and underemployment drives women into prostitution which reflects Victorian age. Women in Hard
Times prove that not all women share the same characteristics.On one hand we have Louisa, who is raised without emotions which reflects her whole life, and on the other hand we have Sissy,who is raised by her loveful father who makes possible for Sissy to create her own family full of love and care. Emotions reflected and changed the whole Victorian period.

Maybe a good title would be Hard Times Create Character. That has a double meaning and creates interest in reading the paper.

Your introductory paragraph provides a good overview of your paper topic and sets up the main points you will be discussing. However, there are a few suggestions to consider for further improvement.

1. Strengthen your thesis statement: While you briefly touch upon the treatment of women in the Victorian age, it would be beneficial to clearly state your thesis in the introductory paragraph. Your thesis should be specific and directly address how the treatment of women in Hard Times reflects the broader Victorian era. For example, you could say: "In Charles Dickens' novel Hard Times, the portrayal of women exemplifies the restrictive social norms and gender inequality prevalent in Victorian society."

2. Provide more context: Briefly introduce the novel Hard Times and its setting to provide readers with a clearer understanding of the time period and societal expectations. This will help readers grasp the significance of the treatment of women in the story.

3. Develop a more focused line of development: Instead of including general statements about the treatment of women in different social classes, consider developing a more focused line of development. For example, you could analyze the treatment of women in specific settings such as the home, factory, or school. This will allow you to provide more in-depth analysis and evidence to support your thesis.

Regarding the title, "Hard Times Create Character" is an intriguing option that reflects the themes of the novel and catches readers' attention. However, it may be beneficial to incorporate elements of the treatment of women and the Victorian era in the title to provide a clearer indication of the topic. For example, "Gender Inequality and Resilience in Hard Times: Examining Women's Treatment in the Victorian Era."

Remember, the title should not only be catchy but also accurately reflect the content of your paper.