what distance did a car travel if the speed was 75mph and was on the road for 9 Hours?

I need to know how I can figure out this question usin g my calculator step by step

distance= speed * time.

To calculate the distance traveled by a car, you need to multiply the speed of the car by the time it was on the road. Here's how you can use your calculator to figure out the distance step by step:

Step 1: Make sure your calculator is in the "standard" or "basic" mode.

Step 2: Enter the speed of the car, which is 75 miles per hour. Type in "75" on your calculator and press the multiplication symbol (usually represented by "*").

Step 3: Enter the time the car was on the road, which is 9 hours. Type in "9" on your calculator.

Step 4: Press the equals sign (=) to get the calculation result.

Step 5: The result displayed on your calculator is the distance traveled by the car. In this case, it should be 675 miles since 75 mph multiplied by 9 hours equals 675 miles.

Therefore, the car traveled a distance of 675 miles.