sqrt 6 * sqrt 8


sqrt 7 * sqrt 5

6.92820323 and 5.916079783

So you can see the steps —

sqrt 6 * sqrt 8 = sqrt 48

sqrt 7 * sqrt 5 = sqrt 35

I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.

To simplify the expressions sqrt 6 * sqrt 8 and sqrt 7 * sqrt 5, you can use the property of square roots that states sqrt(a) * sqrt(b) = sqrt(a * b).

For the expression sqrt 6 * sqrt 8:
1. Multiply the numbers inside the square roots: 6 * 8 = 48.
2. Take the square root of the result: sqrt(48).
3. Simplify the square root by finding the perfect square factors of 48. In this case, 48 can be simplified as 16 * 3 or 4 * 12.
4. Take out the perfect square factor (16 or 4) from the square root, leaving the remaining factor inside: sqrt(16) * sqrt(3) or sqrt(4) * sqrt(12).
5. Simplify the perfect square factor, taking the square root: 4 * sqrt(3) or 2 * sqrt(12).
6. Finally, if necessary, simplify any remaining factors. In this case, sqrt(12) can be simplified as sqrt(4 * 3) or 2 * sqrt(3).
7. The final simplified expression is 2 * sqrt(3) * 4 or 4 * sqrt(3).

For the expression sqrt 7 * sqrt 5:
1. Multiply the numbers inside the square roots: 7 * 5 = 35.
2. Take the square root of the result: sqrt(35).
3. If necessary, simplify the square root by finding the perfect square factors of 35. However, in this case, 35 cannot be simplified further.
4. The simplified expression is sqrt(35).

So, the simplified forms of sqrt 6 * sqrt 8 and sqrt 7 * sqrt 5 are 4 * sqrt(3) and sqrt(35), respectively.