Review the following animations on this weeks aXcess page:

o Types of Dunes animation
o Glacial Landforms animation
„h Compare and contrast the geological features of a desert landscape and glacial landscape. Describe at least one process that creates the resulting landforms of each.
„h Review pp. 402-410 on Global Climate Change. Respond to the following:
o Summarize the climate changes that have occurred from the past to the present.
o Predict what you think the Earth will look like into the 21st century. Consider the weather and changes in geological features.

Do I have to pick a geological feature? for a desert landscape and glacial landscape? if so can you give me a few examples of these?

We neither have access to your "aXcess page" nor your textbook.

You need to carefully consult these sources to formulate your answers. Follow the directions. When the directions do not specify choices, make your own decisions. Even though you might make mistakes, you will learn from them. That is what this is designed to do.

Try this article.

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

Yes, you will need to pick a geological feature for both a desert landscape and a glacial landscape to compare and contrast. Here are a few examples of geological features for each:

Desert Landscape:
1. Sand dunes: These are mounds or ridges of sand formed by wind action.
2. Mesa: A flat-topped hill or mountain with steep sides, commonly found in desert regions.
3. Desert pavement: A surface layer composed of closely packed pebbles and rocks, left behind after wind erosion removes finer particles.

Glacial Landscape:
1. U-shaped valley: These are steep-sided valleys with a distinctive U-shape, formed by the erosive action of glaciers.
2. Moraine: These are ridges or mounds of unsorted rock material deposited by glaciers.
3. Cirque: A bowl-shaped depression on the side of a mountain, formed by glacial erosion.

Feel free to choose any of these or research others that interest you as the geological features to compare and contrast for a desert and glacial landscape.