Discuss the importance of superstition and supernaturals in Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar".

please help, i need to make a thesis statement

Throughout William Shakespeare’s play, Julius Caesar, he makes use of superstitions and the supernatural to foreshadow future events and reveals various feelings of the characters. Shakespeare adds a great sense of anticipation, curiosity and suspense of events to come. He demonstrates these feelings and actions through warnings, nightmares and supernatural occurrences.

What Anonymous wrote is good, but isn't a thesis statement. A thesis statement (singular!) is one sentence. So if you like the ideas in what Anonymous wrote, choose the ONE SENTENCE which would serve as the main idea for your paper.


To develop a thesis statement on the importance of superstition and supernaturals in Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar," you can consider the following:

"Shakespeare's 'Julius Caesar' highlights the significance of superstition and supernatural elements to convey the characters' inner turmoil, foreshadow crucial events, and evoke a sense of foreboding as the tragic narrative unfolds."

To further expand upon this thesis statement, you can explain the reasons behind the importance of superstition and supernaturals in the play.

1. Conveying Characters' Inner Turmoil: Superstition and supernatural elements are used to depict the internal conflicts and anxieties experienced by the characters in the play. For example, the omens and disturbances in nature experienced by characters like Brutus and Cassius reflect their inner turmoil and moral dilemma about their involvement in Caesar's assassination.

2. Foreshadowing Crucial Events: The presence of superstition and the supernatural in "Julius Caesar" serves as a device to foreshadow significant events. It builds anticipation and gives the audience a glimpse into what awaits the characters. Examples of this include the soothsayer's warning to beware the Ides of March, Calpurnia's nightmare, and the appearance of Caesar's ghost to Brutus before the Battle of Philippi.

3. Creating a Sense of Foreboding: Superstition and supernatural elements contribute to the overall tone of the play by creating a sense of ominousness and foreboding. These elements heighten the tension and make the audience question the outcome of the events. The inclusion of these elements adds an air of mystery and unpredictability, enhancing the tragic nature of the play.

Remember to support your thesis statement with evidence from the text to strengthen your argument.