I need help with DNA conversion. First of all, I needed to convert this DNA sequence into its RNA equivalent.


After the conversion, I came up with this.. 3'-AUGAAGAAGUUCUGA-5'. Is this correct?

Then I need to take the converted sequence, and once again convert the RNA into the amino acid sequence. This is where I get lost... Please help

Yes, the RNA sequence you provided, 3'-AUGAAGAAGUUCUGA-5', is correct. Now, to convert this RNA sequence into an amino acid sequence, you will need to use the genetic code.

The genetic code is a set of rules that relates each three-letter sequence of RNA, called a codon, to a specific amino acid. There are a total of 64 possible codons, and they code for 20 amino acids. Additionally, there are three codons called stop codons, which signal the end of protein synthesis.

To determine the amino acid sequence from an RNA sequence, you can use a genetic code table or reference. Here's a simple step-by-step process:

1. Divide the RNA sequence into codons. Each codon consists of three RNA letters (nucleotides).

For example, using your RNA sequence:

2. Use the genetic code table to determine the corresponding amino acid for each codon.

For example, using the table, we find:
AUG codes for Methionine (start codon)
AAG codes for Lysine
AAG codes for Lysine
UUC codes for Phenylalanine
UGA is a stop codon.

3. Write down the amino acid sequence, excluding the stop codon.

In this case, the amino acid sequence is:
Methionine - Lysine - Lysine - Phenylalanine

So, the conversion of the RNA sequence 3'-AUGAAGAAGUUCUGA-5' to its corresponding amino acid sequence is Methionine-Lysine-Lysine-Phenylalanine.

Remember to use a reliable genetic code reference or table to check the codon-amino acid correspondences, as there are variations in the genetic code between different organisms.