continue vocab

2- bound
A tied B released C confirmed D restrained
answer B
3- loathed
A detested B loved C hated D despised
answer B
4 strive
A attempt B try C give up D fight for
answer C

absolutely correct! good job!

advasnced vocabulary skills

To find the correct answer for the word "bound," you can start by understanding its meaning. "Bound" typically refers to being tied or restrained in some way. When you examine the given options, it becomes clear that the correct answer would most likely be an antonym of being tied or restrained. Option B, "released," fits this description, as it implies the opposite action of being bound. Therefore, the answer to question 2 is B.

Moving on to question 3, the word "loathed" is being discussed. To determine the correct answer, you should consider the meaning of "loathed." It suggests a strong dislike or aversion towards something or someone. Analyzing the options, you can see that option B, "loved," is the opposite of "loathed" and therefore the correct answer.

Lastly, for question 4, the word "strive" is being examined. "Strive" means to make an effort or attempt to achieve something. By evaluating the given options, it is clear that option C, "give up," is the opposite of "strive." In this case, giving up is the opposite of making an effort or trying to achieve a goal. Therefore, the correct answer to question 4 is C.