1. At the monent, I don't need to go the dentist's.

2. You don't have to go to the real estate agency at the moment.

(Are the sentences OK?)

3. Would you let me know any good websites where we can practice food names?

ex. A: What's your favorite food?
B: I like __________ best.

soft bean curd soup
fruit soup
vegetable soup

1. moment, dentist (no possessive needed)

2. OK

I went to http://www.google.com and entered lists food esl and got these search results:

There are several sites (most likely the best are in the first 8 or 10) in here that should be interesting for you. Also you can wander around cooking websites like these for further ideas:

See the list of food categories on the left?


1. The sentence "At the monent, I don't need to go the dentist's" contains a couple of errors. The word "monent" should be corrected to "moment" and "dentist's" should be changed to "dentist." So, the corrected sentence is: "At the moment, I don't need to go to the dentist."

2. The sentence "You don't have to go to the real estate agency at the moment" is grammatically correct. It means that currently, there is no need for you to visit the real estate agency.

3. If you are looking for websites to practice food names, there are several options available. One popular website is Quizlet (www.quizlet.com), which offers various flashcards and quizzes to help you learn and practice food names. Simply visit the website and search for "food names" or related topics to find relevant content. Another option is to use language learning platforms like Duolingo (www.duolingo.com) or Memrise (www.memrise.com), where you can find specific courses for learning different languages, including food vocabulary. These platforms offer interactive exercises, quizzes, and games to make the learning process enjoyable and effective. Additionally, you can search for online language learning communities or forums where people share resources and practice exercises for food names. One example is the language-learning subreddit (www.reddit.com/r/languagelearning), where you can find discussions and links to different learning materials.