1 Ann, a college freshman, has chosen engineering as her major because her father told her that a degree in engineering would lead to better-paying jobs upon graduation. She is most likely at which of Marcia's identity statuses?

A foreclosure
B moratorium
C diffusion
D identity achievement

i believe the correct answer is A

2 The group at greatest risk for death during adolescence is blank adolescents.
A younger female
B older female
C younger male
D older male

i believe the correct answer is D

1. I am not familiar with "Marcia's identity statuses." Did you look them up in your textbook?

2. What causes of death are you considering? Auto accidents? Suicide? Without further information, I would agree with D.

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

To arrive at the correct answers, let's go through the options one by one and analyze the given information.

1. Ann, a college freshman, has chosen engineering as her major because her father told her that a degree in engineering would lead to better-paying jobs upon graduation. She is most likely at which of Marcia's identity statuses?

To determine Marcia's identity statuses, we need to understand the different categories. Marcia proposed four identity statuses: foreclosure, moratorium, diffusion, and identity achievement.

a. Foreclosure: This identity status refers to individuals who have prematurely committed to an identity without exploring other options. They often adopt their identity based on the expectations of others. In this case, Ann's decision to choose engineering solely based on her father's advice may imply a foreclosure status.

b. Moratorium: This identity status describes individuals who are actively exploring and trying out different roles, but have not yet made a firm commitment. They are in a state of uncertainty. There is no information given about Ann actively exploring other majors or roles, so moratorium seems less likely.

c. Diffusion: This identity status applies to individuals who have not explored or made any firm commitments to their identities. They are often unsure about their future paths and show a lack of interest or motivation in making any decisions. Based on Ann's decision to choose engineering, she seems to have made a commitment rather than showing a diffusion status.

d. Identity achievement: This identity status is characterized by individuals who have undergone a period of exploration, made well-informed decisions about their identities, and committed to a meaningful path. It doesn't seem to be the case for Ann since her decision was influenced solely by her father's advice.

Based on the given information, it seems that option A, foreclosure, is the most likely answer that aligns with Ann's situation.