Can anyone help me with this please?

Describe how you might conduct a stakeholder impact analysis of Scenario 1 of Appendix B using each of the stakeholder impact analysis approaches: moral standards, 5-question, and Pastin’s approach. This is the scenario.
A prominent developer has submitted a proposal to build a large mall and resort in the town. This development is estimated to bring $150 million in tourism each year and several hundred new jobs to the community, which badly needs the economic boost. The proposed location of the new development, however, is a site that now houses the only nursing home and senior citizens’ recreation center in the area. Both the nursing home and recreation center would have to be demolished, affecting 100 seniors and 30 employees. There is no other location in town where the new development can be built. How should the mayor decide: in favor of economic prosperity or in defense of his elderly citizens?

Please note that no one here knows what you mean by any of the following:

**Scenario 1, Appendix B (although I guess you've given a short description)
**impact analysis approaches (Is someone expected to hit something or someone else? That's what "impact" means.)
**moral standards -- There are lots of moral standards out there; what does your book or other class resource say?
**5-question -- what?
**Pastin's approach -- ??

Personally, I'd go back into John Locke's ideas in his Social Contract.
"The notion of the social contract implies that the people give up some rights to a government or other authority in order to receive or maintain social order."

When I studied that in grad school, one of the ideas that stood out most of all in my mind is that any government's first priority is the protection of its citizens (those who have consented to be governed, those who joined in on this "social contract"). To me, the defenseless people in the nursing home are the most in need of protection. No contest. Hands down!

To conduct a stakeholder impact analysis of Scenario 1, you can use three different approaches: moral standards, the 5-question approach, and Pastin's approach. Here's how you could apply each approach to analyze the situation:

1. Moral Standards Approach:
- Identify the stakeholders: In this scenario, the stakeholders include the developer, the town's residents, the mayor, the nursing home and recreation center staff, the senior citizens, and the local businesses.
- Determine the moral standards: Consider ethical principles such as justice, beneficence, and autonomy. For example, justice would involve treating everyone fairly, beneficence would involve maximizing benefits, and autonomy would involve respecting the rights and choices of individuals.
- Analyze the impacts: Assess how the proposal affects each stakeholder in terms of justice, beneficence, and autonomy. Evaluate the potential benefits, harms, and conflicts that may arise from the proposal. Consider the economic boost, number of jobs created, impact on the senior citizens, and the loss of the nursing home and recreation center.
- Make a decision: Based on the analysis, apply the moral standards to determine the best course of action. Consider whether the economic prosperity justifies the potential harm to the elderly citizens and the violation of their autonomy rights.

2. 5-Question Approach:
- Identify the stakeholders: Similar to the moral standards approach, identify all the stakeholders involved.
- Ask the five questions: These questions analyze the importance, legitimacy, power, urgency, and proximity of each stakeholder. Evaluate the stakeholders based on their relationships, level of influence, and the urgency or proximity of their needs.
1. How important are the stakeholders? (E.g., Are the senior citizens more important than the economic prosperity?)
2. Are the stakeholders legitimate? (E.g., Are the developer's goals legitimate?)
3. Do the stakeholders have power? (E.g., Does the mayor have the power to prioritize one stakeholder over the other?)
4. How urgent are the stakeholders' needs? (E.g., Are the needs of the senior citizens more urgent than the economic boost?)
5. How proximate are the stakeholders? (E.g., Is the economic prosperity closer to the mayor than the needs of the senior citizens?)
- Consider the answers to these questions to determine which stakeholder's interests should be prioritized.

3. Pastin's Approach:
- Identify the stakeholders: Once again, identify the stakeholders involved.
- Determine the purpose: Determine the mayor's purpose in the decision-making process. Is it to maximize the economic prosperity, prioritize the well-being of the senior citizens, or find a balance between the two?
- Assess the alternatives: Consider alternative solutions that could address the concerns of all stakeholders. For example, can the nursing home and recreation center be relocated to another nearby area?
- Evaluate the consequences: Examine the potential impacts and consequences of each alternative on the stakeholders. Assess the foreseeable benefits, harms, and trade-offs associated with each option.
- Make a decision: Based on the evaluation, choose the option that best aligns with the mayor's purpose and balances the interests of the stakeholders.

In conclusion, by applying the moral standards approach, the 5-question approach, and Pastin's approach, the mayor can conduct a stakeholder impact analysis to make an informed decision regarding the proposal. Consider the interests and values of each stakeholder and carefully weigh the potential impacts of the decision on the community.