I was just wondering if these were right?

Which of the following clauses are combined by coordination and which by subordination? Note the coordinating conjunctions and the subordinate clauses.

a. Michelle bought things on sale, for she was a thrifty woman. (Coordination, for)
b. Neither could she sleep nor could she eat. (Coordination, nor)
c. Park your care somewhere else or you will get a ticket. (Coordination, or)
d.We missed the train because we were late. (Subordination, subordinating clause: "because we were late" or is it simply "we were late")
e. I’ll sign the contract if you delete the first paragraph. (Subordination, subordinating clause: "if you delete the first paragraph")

All your answers look correct to me.

What about "e"?

To determine which clauses are combined by coordination and which ones are combined by subordination, we need to identify the coordinating conjunctions and the subordinate clauses in each sentence.

a. Michelle bought things on sale, for she was a thrifty woman.
In this sentence, the coordinating conjunction is "for." This conjunction is used to combine two independent clauses: "Michelle bought things on sale" and "she was a thrifty woman." Therefore, this sentence uses coordination.

b. Neither could she sleep nor could she eat.
Here, the coordinating conjunction is "nor." It is also used to combine two independent clauses: "she could not sleep" and "she could not eat." Therefore, this sentence also uses coordination.

c. Park your car somewhere else or you will get a ticket.
In this sentence, the coordinating conjunction is "or." It combines the independent clauses: "Park your car somewhere else" and "you will get a ticket." So, this sentence also uses coordination.

d. We missed the train because we were late.
This sentence contains a subordinating clause: "because we were late." The subordinating clause is dependent on the main clause "We missed the train." Therefore, this sentence uses subordination.

e. I’ll sign the contract if you delete the first paragraph.
Similar to the previous sentence, this one includes a subordinating clause: "if you delete the first paragraph." It is dependent on the main clause "I’ll sign the contract." Hence, this sentence also uses subordination.

Overall, sentences a, b, and c involve coordination, whereas sentences d and e involve subordination. The subordinating clauses in sentences d and e are "because we were late" and "if you delete the first paragraph," respectively.