Hi i'm taking a intro to technology class and we have this assignment where we take different types of computers and find information.

but i'm stuck. i need to find the speed of the motherboard for all of them. here's a list of them i have find for: 80386Dx, 80386SX, 80486DX, Pentium, Pentium Pro,...etc.

i have looked at sites but so far i have only found that processor speed = multiplier X motherboard.

I can find the processor speed for computer i need but still the motherboard speed result i come up with at the end is kind of weird.

For example: i know that the processor speed of 80386DX which is 16-33 Mhz. The multiplier is just 1.0. So the motherboard is 16-33 Mhz also but isn't the motherboard located in the CPU and doesn't it make sense they have more speed or am I wrong?

please help me

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motherboard bus speed is given for all.

To find the speed of the motherboard for each of the computer models you listed, you will need to know the motherboard bus speed. The motherboard bus speed determines how quickly data can be transferred between the CPU, RAM, and other components on the motherboard.

Here are the steps to find the speed of the motherboard for each computer model:

1. Look up the motherboard bus speed for each computer model. You mentioned that the motherboard bus speed is given for all the models you listed. Make sure you have accurate and reliable information for each computer model.

2. Understand the relationship between the processor speed and the motherboard bus speed. The motherboard bus speed is typically a fraction of the processor speed. The multiplier you mentioned is used to calculate the processor speed based on the motherboard bus speed.

3. Calculate the motherboard speed based on the given information. Let's use the example of the 80386DX with a processor speed of 16-33 MHz and a multiplier of 1.0. If the motherboard bus speed is also 16-33 MHz, it means the motherboard is running at the same speed as the processor. In this case, the processor and motherboard are synchronized.

4. Repeat this calculation for each computer model using the given motherboard bus speeds. It's possible that for some models, the motherboard bus speed may be different from the processor speed, leading to an asynchronous relationship between the processor and the motherboard.

It's important to note that the motherboard is not located within the CPU but rather houses various components including the CPU socket, memory slots, expansion slots, and peripheral connectors. The motherboard's speed determines how efficiently these components can communicate with each other.

While it may seem counterintuitive that the motherboard speed is the same as the processor speed, it is important to remember that the motherboard bus speed is just one factor that affects the overall performance of the computer. Other components such as the memory, graphics card, and storage devices also contribute to the system's overall speed and performance.

I apologize for not being able to provide specific information on the motherboard speeds for the computer models you listed, as the link you provided seems to be broken. Make sure to consult reliable sources, such as manufacturer specifications or reputable technology websites, to find accurate information about the motherboard bus speeds for each computer model you are researching.