When you add a positive integer and a negative integer, you sometimes get a negative result and sometimes get a positive result. Is the same true when you multiply a positive integer and a negative integer?

Multiplication of Integers is similar to multiplication of whole numbers (both positive) except the sign of the product needs to be determined.

If both the factors are positive, the product will be positive.

If both the factors are negative, the product will be positive.

If only one of the factors is negative, the product will be negative.

In other words, if the signs are the same the product will be positive, if they are different, the product will be negative.

thanks for your help.

When you multiply a positive integer and a negative integer, you will always get a negative result. This is a consistent property of multiplication involving positive and negative numbers.

To understand why this is the case, let's consider some examples:

1. Positive * Negative:
If you have a positive number, let's say 3, and multiply it by a negative number, let's say -2, then the result will be -6. This means that the positive number gets scaled by the absolute value of the negative number, and the result is negative.

2. Negative * Positive:
Similarly, if you have a negative number, let's say -4, and multiply it by a positive number, let's say 5, then the result will also be -20. Again, the negative number gets scaled by the positive number's absolute value, resulting in a negative product.

So, whether you multiply a positive integer by a negative integer or a negative integer by a positive integer, you will always obtain a negative result.

To further explain and verify this pattern, you can implement the following steps:

1. Multiply a positive integer, such as 6, by a negative integer, such as -4, using the formula: positive_number * negative_number = result.
2. The result will be -24, which is negative.
3. Repeat the process, multiplying a negative integer, such as -10, by a positive integer, such as 3.
4. The result will be -30, which is also negative.

By performing these calculations, you can confirm that multiplication between a positive and negative integer always yields a negative result.