Shaking a towel up and down would create what type of wave in the towel?

A. Transverse <---answer (I think)
B. longitudinal
C. surface

For the medium to remain undisturbed as two pulses pass the same point, they must have
A. equal amplitudes
B. opposite amplitudes
C. different amplitudes
D. both a and b
I think it is D, but not really sure

you are correct on both.


To determine what type of wave shaking a towel up and down creates, you need to understand the characteristics of different wave types.

In this scenario, when you shake a towel up and down, you are creating a disturbance that propagates through the towel. This disturbance causes the individual points on the towel to move perpendicular to the direction of the wave's propagation.

Transverse waves are characterized by particles of the medium moving perpendicular to the direction in which the wave propagates. In the case of shaking a towel up and down, the points on the towel move up and down, which is perpendicular to the direction in which the wave travels. Therefore, the correct answer to the first question is A. Transverse.

For the second question, to ensure that the medium remains undisturbed as two pulses pass the same point, the amplitudes of the pulses must be considered.

If two pulses with equal amplitudes pass the same point, their disturbances will cancel each other out, resulting in no net disturbance. This is achieved when the amplitudes are equal and opposite. Therefore, the correct answer to the second question is B. opposite amplitudes.

Hence, the answer choices for the two questions are:
1. A. Transverse
2. B. opposite amplitudes