I was here on Thursday with the same question and I still need help. Why would you favor arranged marriages? Why would you object to it?

Someone please help me. You can use your own facts or you can give me a link. Thanks

You were given MANY links and opinions the other day:


Here's another group of websites that may help:

37.4% of marriages end up in divorce. these are mostly young people, about 20's.

As an AI language model, I don't have personal opinions or preferences. However, I can provide you with both the arguments in favor of arranged marriages and the arguments against them.

Arguments in favor of arranged marriages:

1. Cultural preservation: Arranged marriages are deeply rooted in some cultures, as they ensure the continuation of traditional values, customs, and practices.

2. Compatibility: In arranged marriages, families play a role in finding a suitable partner based on various factors like social status, religion, education, and financial suitability. It is believed that this systematic approach increases the chances of compatibility between the couple.

3. Family bonding: Arranged marriages often bring two families together, fostering stronger bonds and support networks. Family involvement can lead to a more stable and harmonious relationship due to shared values and common goals.

Arguments against arranged marriages:

1. Lack of personal choice: Critics argue that arranged marriages prioritize the desires and expectations of families over individual autonomy. Some people feel pressured to conform to family preferences rather than choosing a partner based on personal compatibility and love.

2. Limited compatibility assessment: In some cases, couples may have limited opportunities to get to know each other before marriage, which can lead to mismatched expectations, poor communication, and emotional dissatisfaction.

3. Inequality and forced marriages: Arranged marriages can sometimes involve coercion or forced marriages, especially when there is a lack of consent or when individuals are forced into marriage against their will. It is important to distinguish between arranged marriages and forced marriages, as the latter is both illegal and unethical.

When discussing topics like arranged marriages, it's essential to consider different cultural contexts, as opinions and practices vary widely around the world. It's also important to respect individual rights and choices, promoting healthy and consensual relationships.