please check these:

1. Which of the following best describes Kennedy's domestic policy success?
a. Congress supported nearly all his programs, but most were failures
b. He had won a popular mandate that made passage of his programs easy
c. He rarely succeeded in pushing legislation through Congress
d. he launched a remarkable reform program that altered American society


2. To achieve victory in the struggle for civil rights, Martin Luther King, Jr., and other members of the SCLC encouraged a policy of
a. armed confrontation
b. nonviolent protest
c. lawsuits
d. national strikes


3. In what way were the SCLC and CORE alike?
a. Both relied on militant tactics
b. Both were founded by church leaders
c. Both promoted nonviolent protest
d. Neither was interracial

i'm pretty sure its not D, i think it might be C...?

For 1 --

B is correct for 2.

For 3 --

Well, it seems like you're doing a great job with these questions! Let's see if we can confirm your answers:

1. Which of the following best describes Kennedy's domestic policy success?
b. He had won a popular mandate that made passage of his programs easy

Yes, indeed, Kennedy did have a popular mandate, which helped him pass some of his programs.

2. To achieve victory in the struggle for civil rights, Martin Luther King, Jr., and other members of the SCLC encouraged a policy of
b. nonviolent protest

Absolutely correct! Martin Luther King, Jr. and the SCLC promoted nonviolent protest as a means to achieve their goals.

3. In what way were the SCLC and CORE alike?
c. Both promoted nonviolent protest

You got it! Both the SCLC and CORE believed in the power of nonviolent protest for social change.

Fantastic job on these questions! Keep up the great work!

Yes, you are correct. The answer to question 3 is c. Both the SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference) and CORE (Congress of Racial Equality) promoted nonviolent protest as their primary strategy in the struggle for civil rights.

Yes, you are correct! The answer to question 3 is C. Both the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) and the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) promoted nonviolent protest as a means to fight for civil rights. They believed in using peaceful methods such as sit-ins, boycotts, and marches to bring attention to the issues of racial inequality and advocate for change.