what war in the U.S history did people have problems with freedom of speech(amendment)

One war in U.S. history where people had problems with freedom of speech was World War I. During this time, the U.S. government implemented measures to suppress dissent and control public opinion, leading to restrictions on freedom of speech.

To learn more about this topic:

1. Start by searching for "freedom of speech during World War I" in a search engine. This will bring up various articles and resources that discuss the specific issues and challenges faced during this period.

2. Look for reputable sources such as historical websites, academic journals, or books that provide in-depth information on the topic. This will allow you to gain a comprehensive understanding of the nuances and context of the freedom of speech issues during World War I.

3. Visit your local library or university library. Librarians can be a valuable resource in finding relevant books, articles, and primary sources related to this topic. They can assist you in locating specific texts that provide detailed accounts of freedom of speech restrictions during this war.

4. Consider exploring primary sources such as newspaper articles, speeches, or government documents from the time period. These sources can provide firsthand accounts and insights into the challenges faced by individuals attempting to exercise their freedom of speech during this era.

Remember to critically evaluate the information you find, considering the credibility, biases, and perspectives of the sources to form a well-rounded understanding of the topic.