ways to protect sun temple konark?

materials of which the sun temple konark is made up of?


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To protect the Sun Temple Konark, there are several measures that can be taken:

1. Preservation and Maintenance: Regular inspection, cleaning, and maintenance of the temple structure can help prevent decay and damage. This includes repairing any cracks or erosion, reinforcing weak or damaged areas, and ensuring proper drainage systems.

2. Weather Protection: Implementing measures to protect the temple from harsh weather conditions, such as installing protective coverings or canopies to shield it from direct sunlight, rain, and wind.

3. Conservation of Surrounding Area: Preserving the temple's immediate surroundings is crucial to avoid any adverse effects on its structural stability. This includes preventing encroachment, controlling vegetation growth, and ensuring proper drainage to avoid waterlogging.

4. Visitor Management: Proper crowd control and visitor management can reduce the wear and tear caused by excessive foot traffic. Implementing restricted pathways or designated routes, as well as limiting the number of visitors allowed inside the temple at a given time, can help protect the structure.

As for the materials used in the construction of the Sun Temple Konark, it is primarily made of sandstone. The intricate carvings and sculptures are carved out of weather-resistant chlorite stone, while some elements, such as the spire, are made using a combination of iron, brick, and stone. The temple's architecture is known for its exquisite stone craftsmanship and intricate detailing.