looking at the geologic time scale of new york, for the archaen eon, how many eras are there? i think it's 3..

To find out the number of eras in the Archaean Eon on the geologic time scale of New York, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by looking up the geologic time scale of New York, which provides a chronological framework for the history of rocks and the evolution of life in that region.

2. Locate the Archaean Eon on the time scale. The Archaean Eon represents the period of Earth's history from about 4 billion to 2.5 billion years ago.

3. After finding the Archaean Eon, look for the eras within this eon.

In the case of the Archaean Eon in the geologic time scale of New York, you are correct that there are generally three eras. The eras within the Archaean Eon are usually defined as follows:

1. Eoarchaean Era: This era represents the earliest part of the Archaean Eon, from about 4 billion to 3.6 billion years ago.

2. Paleoarchaean Era: This era covers the period from about 3.6 billion to 3.2 billion years ago.

3. Mesoarchaean Era: This era spans from about 3.2 billion to 2.8 billion years ago.

Please note that depending on the specific geologic time scale or region being referenced, there might be variations in the names or duration of eras within the Archaean Eon. It is always important to refer to an authoritative source for the geologic time scale you are examining to ensure accuracy.