Which of the following statements encourages appropriate use of playground equipment?

A. "I told you not to go down the slide head first'.
b."You can't ride your bike in the grass because you're ruining it."
c."Jumping off the monkey bars is against the rules!"
D.Throw the ball away from Joey so you don't accidentally hit him."

I chose A as my answer can someone check my answer.

You want to phrase things in the POSITIVE. Which one tells the child what he/she should do rather than what he/she shouldn't/cannot do?

Okay thanks,so I will change my answer to D.

To determine whether your answer is correct, let's analyze the statements and see which one encourages appropriate use of playground equipment.

Statement A: "I told you not to go down the slide head first."
This statement is a corrective statement, highlighting the misuse of playground equipment. It discourages going down the slide headfirst, which is the appropriate response.

Statement B: "You can't ride your bike in the grass because you're ruining it."
This statement does not specifically address the appropriate use of playground equipment. It focuses on the potential damage to the grass rather than teaching proper playground behavior.

Statement C: "Jumping off the monkey bars is against the rules!"
This statement also discourages a certain behavior and emphasizes rule enforcement. Although it mentions the rules, it does not directly address the appropriate use of the playground equipment, as jumping off the monkey bars may not necessarily be wrong if done safely and appropriately.

Statement D: "Throw the ball away from Joey so you don't accidentally hit him."
This statement promotes safe and considerate behavior by encouraging throwing the ball away from others to avoid accidental harm. Although it isn't explicitly about playground equipment, it supports appropriate use of space and equipment by avoiding potentially dangerous situations.

Based on the analysis, it appears that both statements A and D encourage appropriate use of playground equipment, but statement A is more directly related to the use of playground equipment. So, your answer of selecting statement A as the one that encourages appropriate playground equipment use is correct.