Where does Cambodia import petroleum from?

To find out where Cambodia imports petroleum from, you can refer to official sources that track trade data. One such source is the International Trade Center (ITC) or the official statistics from the Cambodian government. Here's how you can use the ITC to get the information:

1. Visit the ITC website: Go to https://www.intracen.org/ to access the International Trade Center's official website.

2. Navigate to the Trade Map section: Once on the ITC website, find and click on the "Trade Map" option. This section provides detailed trade statistics.

3. Select Cambodia as the country: In the Trade Map section, select "Country" and then choose Cambodia from the provided list.

4. Select the desired product: In the "Product" option, type or select "Petroleum oils, etc." This will allow you to narrow down the search to petroleum-related products.

5. View the import data: Click on the "View Data" button to generate the trade data for petroleum imports into Cambodia. This dataset will provide information on the countries Cambodia imports petroleum from.

6. Analyze the data: Look for the countries listed in the import data to identify the major sources of petroleum imports for Cambodia. The data may include both the volume and value of imports.

By following these steps, you can obtain reliable information on the countries from which Cambodia imports petroleum.