Give two reasons for the new interest in leisure activities in the 1920s.

i already know one: rising wages and labor-saving appliances gave families more money and more time in which to spend it.what else?

is another reason because people wanted to watch movies, which were popular during the time??

The 20s was a happy time for most people. WWI was over and people believed that it was the "war to end all wars." The soldiers had been overseas and had seen how other people in the world lived and played. Traditional morals in some respects gave way to the modern age -- with jazz and vast changes in women's clothing.

Also -- although motion pictures had been introduced a few years before, they were still a new form of entertainment.

Another reason for the new interest in leisure activities in the 1920s was the increase in urbanization and technological advancements. Here's how you can explain it:

1. Urbanization: With the industrialization of cities and the growth of urban areas during the 1920s, people started to live in more compact and bustling environments. As a result, there was a greater need for recreational activities to escape the demands and stresses of urban life. People sought leisure activities as a way to relax, socialize, and enjoy themselves outside of their daily routines.

To find information to support this reason, you can:

- Research the growth of cities during the 1920s by consulting books, articles, or online resources that focus on urbanization trends. Look for data on population growth, city infrastructure development, and social changes brought about by urbanization.
- Look for firsthand accounts, journals, or memoirs written by individuals who lived in urban areas during the 1920s. These sources can provide insights into the motivations and experiences of people seeking leisure activities in response to urbanization.

2. Technological advancements: The 1920s were a time of significant technological progress, particularly in the field of entertainment. Advancements in technology, such as the invention of the radio, the rise of cinema, and the increasing availability of electrical appliances, made leisure activities more accessible, enjoyable, and convenient.

To gather information about this reason, you can:

- Study the impact of technological advancements during the 1920s by exploring the history of inventions and innovations in entertainment. Look for sources that provide information on the development of radio, film, and electrical household appliances during that decade.
- Examine the advertisements, promotional materials, or news articles from the 1920s that promoted new technologies and their influence on leisure activities.
- Investigate how these technologies were adopted and used in households, as well as their effects on social life and leisure habits during the 1920s. Census data, consumer reports, or surveys from that era can provide insights into these aspects.