How can I narrow down all my research to 3 pages?

Smaller font, no run on sentences, no useless info

if you have to dubble space don't (hearts)

Edit out all of the parts that don't directly pertain to your thesis statement.

To narrow down your research to three pages, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by organizing your research. Sort through your notes, articles, and sources to identify the most relevant information related to your thesis statement.

2. Create a clear and specific thesis statement. This will help you determine which information is directly relevant to your research and can be included in your final paper.

3. Review your research and identify key points and arguments that support your thesis statement. Remove any repetitive or redundant information that does not add significant value to your research.

4. Look for any run-on sentences or long paragraphs. Break them down into shorter, concise sentences or paragraphs that convey your ideas effectively.

5. Consider reducing the font size slightly to fit more content on each page. However, be mindful that the text remains readable and doesn't become too small.

6. Double-check your paper for any grammatical errors, typos, or unnecessary phrases. Editing out such mistakes can help save space and streamline your content.

7. Focus on including only essential information that directly supports your thesis statement. Remove any details or examples that may be interesting but aren't crucial to your argument.

Remember, the key to narrowing down your research to three pages is to stay focused on your thesis statement and include only information directly related to your main argument. Prioritize clear and concise writing, and eliminate any unnecessary information or distractions.