How does inflation affect monetary assets? real assets???

Can anyone please give me some ideas????THANKS A LOT!!!!!

Inflation can have different effects on monetary assets and real assets. Let me explain each of them:

1. Monetary assets: Monetary assets refer to assets that hold value in the form of money, such as cash, savings accounts, certificates of deposit, or bonds. Inflation erodes the purchasing power of money over time, meaning that the same amount of money can buy fewer goods and services. Therefore, when inflation occurs, the value of monetary assets decreases in real terms. For example, if you have $100 in a savings account earning a 2% interest rate, but inflation is at 3%, the real value of your money is actually decreasing by 1% because you can buy less with it.

2. Real assets: Real assets, on the other hand, refer to tangible assets such as real estate, commodities, or physical goods. The impact of inflation on real assets can vary depending on the specific asset. In general, real assets tend to have a positive relationship with inflation, as their value can rise alongside the general price level. For instance, real estate prices often increase during inflationary periods, as the demand for property rises along with the cost of goods and services. Similarly, commodities like gold or oil may also experience price appreciation during inflationary periods.

Keep in mind that the relationship between inflation and asset values is not always straightforward, as various factors can influence their performance. It's always a good idea to diversify your investment portfolio to protect against inflationary risks. Additionally, consulting with financial advisors or conducting in-depth research can provide further insights into how different assets perform under inflationary conditions.