The violence and destruction that occurred during world war 2 led to the

1 expansion of coloinal empires in africa
2 formation of the unite nations
3 signing of the versailles treaty
4 unification of germany

and explain why that is the answer!

i really need help it will be nice if some one does help me!

bruh im doing a test in class right now with the same question.

The only possible right answer is # 2.

The United Nations was formed after WWII as an alliance of nations to prevent future wars.

The colonial empires fell apart after WWII. The Versailles Treaty was signed after WW I. Germany was split into two parts after WWII.


The correct answer to the question is 2) formation of the United Nations. The violence and destruction of World War II prompted the establishment of the United Nations as an international organization. The United Nations was created in 1945 with the goal of promoting peace, preventing conflicts, and fostering international cooperation.

To arrive at this answer, let's examine the options and eliminate the ones that are incorrect:

1) Expansion of colonial empires in Africa: While World War II did have an impact on Africa, it did not directly lead to the expansion of colonial empires. In fact, during the war, many African nations were deeply affected by the conflict and several movements for independence from colonial rule gained momentum.

3) Signing of the Versailles Treaty: The Versailles Treaty was actually signed after World War I, not World War II. It was the peace treaty that ended the First World War and imposed harsh conditions on Germany. So it is not the correct answer for this question.

4) Unification of Germany: The unification of Germany actually occurred in 1871 and is not directly related to the violence and destruction of World War II. After World War II, Germany was divided into East and West Germany until their reunification in 1990.

By process of elimination, we are left with option 2) formation of the United Nations. The United Nations was established after World War II to prevent similar conflicts and atrocities from happening in the future. It served as a forum for nations to come together, discuss global issues, and work toward peaceful resolutions.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.