How do you divide, and multiply decimals???

To divide decimals, follow these steps:

1. Set up the division problem as you normally would, with the dividend (the number being divided) on the top and the divisor (the number dividing the dividend) on the bottom.
2. Move the decimal point in the divisor to the right until it becomes a whole number. Keep track of how many times you move the decimal point.
3. Move the decimal point in the dividend the same number of places to the right as in step 2.
4. Divide the modified dividend by the modified divisor, as you would for whole numbers.
5. Place the decimal point in the quotient directly above the decimal point in the dividend.
6. Simplify the quotient if possible by moving the decimal point to its proper place.

Divide 4.8 by 2.4

Step 1: Set up the division problem --> 4.8 ÷ 2.4
Step 2: Move the decimal point in the divisor --> 24 (moved one place to the right)
Step 3: Move the decimal point in the dividend --> 48 (moved one place to the right)
Step 4: Divide 48 by 24 to get a quotient of 2.
Step 5: Place the decimal point in the quotient --> 2.
Step 6: Simplify the quotient, if necessary. In this case, the quotient is already simplified.

So, 4.8 ÷ 2.4 = 2.

To multiply decimals, follow these steps:

1. Set up the multiplication problem as you normally would, with the multiplicand (the number being multiplied) on the top and the multiplier (the number multiplying the multiplicand) on the bottom.
2. Multiply the numbers just like you would for whole numbers, ignoring the decimal points.
3. Count the total number of decimal places in both the multiplicand and the multiplier.
4. Place the decimal point in the product so that it has the same number of decimal places as the sum from step 3.

Multiply 2.5 by 0.6

Step 1: Set up the multiplication problem --> 2.5 × 0.6
Step 2: Multiply 25 by 6 to get a product of 150.
Step 3: Count the number of decimal places --> 1 decimal place in 2.5 and 1 decimal place in 0.6.
Step 4: Place the decimal point in the product to have the same number of decimal places as in step 3. In this case, the product should be 1.50.

So, 2.5 × 0.6 = 1.50.