The condition which would NOT require beginning a new paragraph?

1.change in time
2.change in place sentence speaker

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Change in time

The condition that would NOT require beginning a new paragraph is a new sentence.

To determine when to begin a new paragraph, you need to consider the topic or idea being discussed. A new paragraph should be started when there is a change in the topic, and the information being presented is distinct from the preceding paragraph.

1. A change in time: If you are discussing different time periods or shifts in chronology, it is appropriate to begin a new paragraph. For example, if you are describing events that happened in the morning and then transition to events that occurred in the evening, it would be appropriate to start a new paragraph.

2. A change in place: When the setting or location changes in your writing, it is common practice to begin a new paragraph. This allows the reader to more easily follow the shifts in location. For instance, if you are describing a scene in one room and then switch to a different room or location, you would start a new paragraph.

3. A new sentence: While a new sentence signals a pause or break in the flow of ideas, it does not necessarily require starting a new paragraph. Sentences within a paragraph should be related and support the main idea. However, when you are presenting a new main point or idea, it is customary to begin a new paragraph.

4. A new speaker: In dialogue or when using multiple speakers or voices, it is appropriate to start a new paragraph each time there is a change in speaker. This helps identify who is speaking and ensures clarity in the conversation.

Ultimately, the choice to begin a new paragraph depends on the flow, coherence, and organization of your writing. It is important to consider the logical progression of your ideas and use paragraph breaks effectively to enhance readability and comprehension.