i have 4 questions from an excerpt from President Truman's "Truman Doctrine" speech, made to Congress in March 1947.

"nearly every nation must chose between... i believe that we much assist free peoples to work out their.."

my first question is : when truman uses the phrase "alternate ways of life," what two ways of life was he talking about?

well in the excerpt it says -based on the will of the majority, and -based upon the will fo a minority forcibly imposted upon majority...

if this is the correct answer,..how can i write it in my own words, or in a bettwer way?

Who else thought this said President Trump?

Isn't Truman defending freedom and democracies against the Communist systems that don't have freedom or democracy?

2. of the two ways of life Truman discussed, which one did the Untied States support?

i need help on that too was it democracy or dictatorship??

In President Truman's "Truman Doctrine" speech, he mentions the phrase "alternate ways of life." By this, he is referring to two specific ways of life that nations have to choose between. The first is a way of life that is based on the will of the majority, meaning that the government and policies are determined by the desires and choices of the majority of the population. The second way of life is based upon the will of a minority forcibly imposed upon the majority, which means that an oppressive group or regime imposes their beliefs and rules on the larger population, disregarding their desires and choices.

To explain this concept in your own words or in a better way, you could say that the phrase "alternate ways of life" refers to the two different paths that nations can take. One path involves a government and policies that are shaped by the will of the majority of the population, while the other involves a minority group forcibly imposing their beliefs and rules upon the majority. This highlights the importance of supporting and assisting nations that strive for a way of life that respects the will of the majority and promotes freedom.