I need help thinking of something to put on my poster board for an archetypal journey project over Their Eyes Were Watching God. I want a creative poster with something symbolic on it that represents the novel.

If you read it you will know how and why she told it in three parts corresponding to her 3 husbands that were very different men. This should allow you to think of an artistic concept to make a poster with three theme parts.

Creating a creative and symbolic poster for your archetypal journey project based on "Their Eyes Were Watching God" can be an exciting endeavor. To represent the three parts of the novel corresponding to Janie's three husbands, you can consider incorporating the following artistic concept:

1. Begin by thinking about the overarching themes and symbols depicted in each relationship.

Janie's first husband, Logan Killicks, symbolizes a loveless marriage where she feels confined and restricted. Consider incorporating elements related to confinement, such as a bird in a cage or chains, to represent this aspect.

2. Janie's second husband, Joe Starks, represents Janie's pursuit of independence and self-discovery. Focus on elements that symbolize ambition, power, and seeking one's own identity. This can include images related to money, political symbols, or even a horizon to symbolize a new beginning.

3. Tea Cake, Janie's third husband, embodies the idea of love, passion, and a true emotional connection. Consider using elements such as a sun, flowers blooming, or a joyful motif to represent their love story.

Now that you have these ideas, you can start visualizing your poster:

1. Divide your poster board into three equal parts to represent the three parts of the novel.

2. In the first section, depict the theme and symbols representing Janie's relationship with Logan Killicks. You can draw or print an image of a bird in a cage or use cutouts of chains to symbolize confinement.

3. In the second section, create a visual representation of Janie's relationship with Joe Starks. You can use images or symbols related to money, ambition, or power. Consider incorporating political symbols like a podium or a bag of money to represent Joe Starks' desire for power.

4. In the final section, portray Janie's relationship with Tea Cake by using elements that represent love, joy, and growth. A smiling sun, blooming flowers, or a beach scene could be suitable choices.

5. Finally, add relevant quotes, keywords, or phrases from the novel to accompany each section. You can write these in an artistic font or incorporate them as speech bubbles or thought bubbles near the corresponding section.

Remember, this is just a starting point, and you can add your own creativity to make the poster truly unique and reflective of the archetypal journey depicted in "Their Eyes Were Watching God."