How would you use the word "gros" in french for masculine, plural?

How lucky you are! This adjective does not change from masculine singular (gros) to masculine plural (gros)!

RULE: The plural of most French nouns is formed by adding "s" to the singular. BUT nouns ending in -s, -x, or -z remain unchanged in the plural.
Examples: le mois = les mois
le prix = les prix
le nez = les nez

Sra (aka Mme)

To use the word "gros" in French for masculine, plural form, you would follow these steps:

1. Identify the noun you wish to describe. Let's say you want to describe "books" in French.

2. Determine if the noun is masculine. In this case, "books" translates to "livres" in French, and "livres" is indeed a masculine noun.

3. Since "livres" is plural, you need to use the plural form of the adjective "gros." In this case, the plural form of "gros" is "gros." Note that "gros" does not change in form for masculine, plural nouns in French.

4. Therefore, to express "big books" in French, you would say "gros livres."

Remember, in French, the adjective must agree in gender and number with the noun it modifies. In this case, because "livres" is masculine and plural, we use "gros" without any changes.

To use the word "gros" in French for masculine plural, follow these steps:

Step 1: Start with the masculine form of the adjective "gros," which means "big" or "fat" in English.

Step 2: Change the ending "-s" to "-x" to make it plural.

So, the masculine plural form of "gros" would be "gros" as well.