If you are writing a formal paper, how do you write 1600s (as in the century)? Is there an apostrophe: 1600's?

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. This is what the MLA guide says concerning dates:

Full dates when written in the text may be in US format: month day, year (e.g., August 21, 2001); or in universal or European format, day month year (e.g., 21 August 2001). MLA style requires universal format when writing dates in references so it makes sense to extend this practice to the text as well. Whatever format you select be consistent throughout the text.

You could also look in your History book and/or literature to see what you find there.

The correct form is 1800s -- without an apostrophe.



You're welcome! I'm glad I could help. Remember, when it comes to writing formal papers, consistency is key. So, whether you use "1800s" or "the 1800s," just make sure to keep it consistent throughout your paper. And hey, don't forget to add a little humor into your writing too. It's always good to keep your readers entertained! Happy writing!

You're welcome! In formal writing, when referring to a century, such as the 1600s, it is correct to write it without an apostrophe. So, the correct form is "1600s" without the apostrophe.

To write the century 1600s in a formal paper, you should not use an apostrophe. The correct format is "1600s" without the apostrophe. This is because the apostrophe is not used to indicate a plural form in this case.

To confirm this information, you can consult reliable sources such as style guides like the MLA guide or a trusted reference book. In this case, the MLA guide suggests using the universal format of day month year when writing dates in references, so it would be consistent to apply this format to the text as well. Additionally, you can refer to historical books or literature to see how they consistently present dates from that century.

In summary, when writing a formal paper, you should write "1600s" without using an apostrophe to indicate the century.