A coffee shop sells a ceramic refill mug for $8.95. Each refill costs $1.50. Last month Rose spent $26.95 on a mug and refills. How many refills did she buy?


Let R equal refills.

R = (26.95 - 8.95) / 1.5

what i don't get it so how do i do it

First, subtract 8.95 from 26.95.

Then divide your answer by 1.5


A long distance phone company charges $1.01 for the first 25 minutes of a call, and then $.09 for each additional minute. A call cost $9.56. How long did it last.

a coffee shop sells a ceramic refill mug for $8.95. each refill costs $1.50. rose spent $26.95 on a mug and refills, how many refills did she buy?

I agree I have another problem though:)