please help me tell which of the following would be better as a thesis statement for a rescreach paper " Poverty". addtional suggestion will be appreciated. thank you!!!

- Poverty is affecting thousands of Americans everyday, it isn't sparing anyone of a certain race, age or gender sweeping through the the world, leaving people on welfare, and without homes, or cars
- There are many different reasons why poverty occurs and as such there are many different avenues to pursue in the eradication of poverty

You have written two statements of fact, but neither is a thesis statement yet.

What you wrote is like #1 on that webpage. How can you revise it so that your position on the issue of poverty is clear?

- There are many different reasons why poverty occurs and as such there are many different avenues to pursue in the eradication of poverty

Both of the options you provided can work as thesis statements for a research paper on poverty. However, they have slightly different focuses.

1. "Poverty is affecting thousands of Americans every day, regardless of race, age, or gender, sweeping through the world, leaving people on welfare and without homes or cars."

This thesis statement emphasizes the wide-ranging impact of poverty on Americans while highlighting that poverty does not discriminate based on race, age, or gender. It also touches on the consequences of poverty, such as people living on welfare and lacking basic necessities like homes and cars.

2. "There are many different reasons why poverty occurs, and as such, there are many different avenues to pursue in the eradication of poverty."

This thesis statement highlights the multiple causes of poverty and suggests that there are various approaches to combating it. It implies that addressing poverty requires a comprehensive understanding of its root causes and a multi-faceted strategy to tackle it effectively.

To decide which option is better suited for your research paper, consider the purpose and scope of your study. If you intend to explore the impact of poverty on Americans and discuss its consequences, the first option might be more appropriate. On the other hand, if your research aims to delve into the causes of poverty and examine potential solutions, the second option might be a better fit.

Additionally, here's an additional suggestion for a thesis statement:

"Efforts to combat poverty must emphasize both short-term relief measures and long-term systemic changes that address the underlying economic, social, and political factors contributing to poverty."

This thesis statement brings attention to the importance of a comprehensive approach to poverty reduction, combining immediate assistance with structural changes to create lasting solutions.

Remember, the thesis statement should clearly state the main focus of your research paper and guide your analysis and arguments throughout the paper.