Aquatic Birds- their habitats & habits

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To learn about aquatic birds, their habitats, and habits, you can use the following steps:

1. Start by clicking on the first link provided: This link will take you to a website called PubMed, which is a reliable source for scientific articles.

2. Once you are on the PubMed website, you will see a search bar at the top. Enter relevant keywords such as "aquatic birds habitats" or "aquatic birds habits." Hit enter or click on the search button to start the search.

3. Browse through the search results and click on the article titles that seem relevant to your topic. These articles will contain valuable information about the habitats and habits of aquatic birds.

4. Take notes on the key points you find in each article, paying attention to their habitats (such as wetlands, coastal areas, or freshwater lakes) and habits (such as swimming, diving, or feeding).

5. If the second link provided does not work, move on to the third link: This link will take you to a website called The Water Encyclopedia, which is also a reputable source for information on aquatic birds.

6. On The Water Encyclopedia website, look for sections or articles specifically related to aquatic birds. Take notes on the information you find there as well.

By following these steps, you would be able to gather and learn about aquatic birds, their habitats, and habits. Make sure to cross-reference information from multiple sources to have a comprehensive understanding.