There is a total of 37feet of lumber. You may use as much of this as you need.

Your class has raised $121.00 to buy sand. A bag of sand costs $ 1.50. One bag will cover an area of one square foot. What is the largest sand-filled area you can make for the money and lumber you have?

The 37 feet of lumber can be used for the edges (perimeter) of the sand-filled area. Each side of a square would be 9.25 feet long. The area of this square is 85.56 square feet.

To find the number of bags of sand, divide: 121 / 1.50 = ?

Thank you very much MS. Sue,thats what my daughter told me to do, and I was going another direction.......

i got 81

Actually you can't round in this problem. A total cost of $81 at $1.50 per bag would only buy you 80 bags.

80 * 1.50 = $120. The extra dollar won't buy you another bag.

To find the largest sand-filled area you can make with the given money and lumber, you need to consider two factors: the amount of lumber available and the amount of money available.

First, let's tackle the lumber. You have 37 feet of lumber, which means you can create a rectangular area with a length and width in feet that add up to a maximum of 37.

To figure out the largest possible area, we need to find the pair of numbers that adds up to 37 and maximizes the area (length times width). We can try different combinations to see which one gives us the largest area.

Start by considering the length as the maximum possible value of 37 feet. In this case, the width would be 0 feet. The area would be 37 feet x 0 feet = 0 square feet.

Then, consider decreasing the length to 36 feet and increasing the width to 1 foot. The area would be 36 feet x 1 foot = 36 square feet.

Continue this process, gradually decreasing the length and increasing the width while calculating the area until you find the combination that yields the largest area.

Once you have determined the dimensions of the rectangular area, you can move on to the second factor, which is the amount of money available. You have $121.00, and each bag of sand costs $1.50. Simply divide the total money by the cost of each bag to find how many bags you can buy.

Now that you know the number of bags you can buy, multiply that by the area you calculated earlier to get the largest sand-filled area you can make with the available money and lumber.

In summary:
1. Determine the dimensions of the rectangular area using the available lumber by finding the pair of numbers that adds up to 37 and maximizes the area.
2. Calculate the area using the dimensions obtained.
3. Divide the total money by the cost of each bag to find the number of bags you can buy.
4. Multiply the number of bags by the area to get the largest sand-filled area you can make.