Whats an word for everyday language? not english. a vocab term

Colloquial? Informal? Conversational?

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

vernacular, accent, argot, articulation, brogue, cant, communication, conversation, dialect, diction, dictionary, discourse, doublespeak, expression, gibberish, idiom, interchange, jargon, lexicon, lingua franca, palaver, parlance, patois, phraseology, prose, signal, slang, sound, speech, style, talk, terminology, tongue, utterance, verbalization, vernacular, vocabulary, vocalization, voice, word, wording

The word you are looking for is "vernacular." Vernacular refers to the language or dialect spoken by the common people of a region or country, often in distinction from the formal or literary language. It encompasses the everyday language used by ordinary people in their day-to-day interactions.

To find vocabulary terms related to languages or linguistics, you can utilize various resources like dictionaries, thesauruses, or even specialized glossaries. Online platforms like Merriam-Webster, Oxford English Dictionary, or Cambridge Dictionary are commonly used to explore vocabulary terms. When searching for this particular word, you could input keywords like "synonyms for everyday language" or "terms related to vernacular." These tools can provide you with a list of relevant vocabulary terms to expand your understanding.