I need help with this problem. I think I figured out how to set it up but I keep getting stuck in the middle.

A boat is pulled into a dock by a rope attatched to the bow of the boat and passing through a pulley on the dock that is 1m higher than the bow of the boat. If the rope is pulled in at a rate of 1m/s, how fast is the boat approaching the dock when it is 8m from the dock?

You would set up a right triangle and use the pythagoreom therom to solve I think. I need to figure out dx/dt right? How would I do that?

yes, label your right-angled triangle this way:

hypotenuse = h , (the rope)
vertical = 1 , (height of dock above bow)
horizontal = x , (path of the boat)

you are given dh/dt = 1 m/s
when x = 8, h^2 = 1^2 + 8^
h = √65

from x^2 + 1^2 = h^2
2x dx/dt = 2h dh/dt
then dx/dt = 2(8)(1)/(2√65)
= 8/√65 m/s or appr. 0.992 m/s

got my substitution backwards in the last two lines

should be:

dx/dt = 2√65(1)/16
= √65/8 or 1.0079 m/s

thanx, that is what i thought i just had trouble sustituting all the numbers back in.

To solve the problem, let's start by setting up a right triangle.

Let's assume that the boat is initially x meters away from the dock. We can consider the distance between the boat and the dock as the hypotenuse of the right triangle. The vertical side of the triangle represents the 1m height difference between the dock and the bow of the boat, and the horizontal side represents the distance the boat moves towards the dock.

We can use the Pythagorean theorem to relate the three sides of the triangle:

(distance)^2 = (vertical side)^2 + (horizontal side)^2
x^2 = 1^2 + (horizontal side)^2.

We can differentiate both sides of this equation with respect to time (t) using implicit differentiation:

d/dt [x^2] = d/dt [1^2 + (horizontal side)^2].

The left side of the equation becomes 2x(dx/dt) by applying the power rule of differentiation.

The right side of the equation becomes 0 + 2(horizontal side)(d(horizontal side)/dt) by applying the chain rule of differentiation.

Hence, our equation becomes:

2x(dx/dt) = 2(horizontal side)(d(horizontal side)/dt).

Now, we need to find the values of x and the horizontal side when the boat is 8m away from the dock.

In the triangle, we have the horizontal side as the distance moved by the boat towards the dock, which is directly proportional to time (1m/s).

Therefore, when the boat is 8m away from the dock, the horizontal side will be 8m as well.

Plugging the values of x = 8m and horizontal side = 8m into our equation, we have:

2(8m)(dx/dt) = 2(8m)(1m/s).

We can simplify the equation as follows:

16(dx/dt) = 16m^2/s,
dx/dt = (16m^2/s) / 16,
dx/dt = 1m/s.

So, when the boat is 8m away from the dock, it is approaching the dock at a rate of 1m/s.