I want to know what is the controversy of PLuto's status as a planet

There is not much controversy. Pluto is small, and smaller than some of the orbiting asteroids. Some scientists want to stop calling Pluto a planet because of this. Other scientists say we called it a planet, so we ought to keep calling it a planet. That is the "controversy".

To get more information about the controversy surrounding Pluto's status as a planet, you can follow these steps:

1. Research the history of Pluto's classification: Learn about how Pluto was discovered in 1930 and initially classified as the ninth planet in our solar system. Understand the criteria used at the time to define a planet.

2. Explore the discovery of other celestial bodies: Study the advancements in technology that allowed astronomers to discover more distant objects beyond Pluto in the outer region of our solar system, known as the Kuiper Belt. These discoveries raised questions about Pluto's classification.

3. Understand the 2006 reclassification: Investigate the International Astronomical Union's (IAU) decision in 2006 to redefine the criteria for classifying planets. This new definition excluded Pluto, as it did not meet all the updated criteria.

4. Examine the arguments for Pluto's demotion: Look into the scientific reasons provided by those who support Pluto's reclassification. Understand their viewpoint that Pluto should not be considered a planet due to its small size, its location in the Kuiper Belt, and its different characteristics from the other eight planets.

5. Consider the arguments for Pluto's planetary status: Explore the perspectives of scientists who advocate for retaining Pluto's status as a planet. They argue that Pluto was initially recognized as a planet and changing its classification would be unnecessary and confusing.

6. Review scientific debates and opinions: Read scientific journals, articles, and books that discuss the controversy surrounding Pluto's classification. Look for different viewpoints and arguments presented by experts in the field.

By following these steps, you will gain a better understanding of the controversy surrounding Pluto's status as a planet and be able to form your own opinion on the matter.