What are:

-Groups of similar cells doing the same work?
-Organs working together?
-A long branched type of cell that sends messages quickly?
-Cell surrounded by calcium and phosphorous?
-Cells in many celled organisms are ______?
-The smallest living unit in the body?
-Two or more tissues working together?

Choices are:

-Organ system
-Nerve Cell
-Bone Cell

1) tissues

2) organ system
3) nerve cell
4) bone cell
5) specialized
6) cell
7) organ

Thank you Brianna!

how will know when a circuit is closed or open

- Groups of similar cells doing the same work are called tissues. To identify such groups, you can study the organization of cells in a particular area of an organism and determine whether they share similar structures and functions.

- Organs working together refer to organ systems. Organ systems are a collection of organs that collaborate to perform specific functions. To identify which organs work together to form an organ system, you need to examine the functions of individual organs and how they integrate with each other.

- A long branched type of cell that sends messages quickly is a neuron. Neurons are specialized cells that transmit electrical signals throughout the body. They have a unique structure with long extensions called axons, which allow for rapid communication between different parts of the body.

- A cell surrounded by calcium and phosphorus is likely an osteocyte. Osteocytes are the primary cells found in bones. They are responsible for maintaining the bone tissue by secreting and recycling minerals such as calcium and phosphorus.

- Cells in many-celled organisms are specialized. Specialization occurs when cells differentiate and assume specific roles and functions within an organism. This differentiation allows for the division of labor in multicellular organisms, where different cells perform specific tasks to ensure the overall functioning of the organism.

- The smallest living unit in the body is a cell. Cells are the basic structural and functional units of all living organisms. They are the building blocks of life and carry out essential processes necessary for an organism's survival.

- Two or more tissues working together form an organ. Organs are composed of different tissues that collaborate to perform specific functions. The integration of multiple tissues allows organs to carry out more complex tasks that cannot be accomplished by individual tissues alone.