what does this qoute mean:

"Forgive your enemies but never forget their names."
-John enedy

It means --

Don't hold a grudge against your enemies -- but watch out for them -- in case they try to harm you again.

it means forgive what you don't forget

The quote "Forgive your enemies but never forget their names" by John F. Kennedy can be interpreted to mean that it is important to forgive those who have wronged you or been your adversaries, but it is also important to remember who they are and the actions they have taken against you. By forgiving, you can let go of negativity and promote peace within yourself, but by remembering their names, you can avoid being naive or vulnerable to potential harm in the future.

To understand the meaning of this quote further, you can consider the context and background of John F. Kennedy. JFK was the 35th President of the United States, and during his presidency, he faced various challenges and conflicts, both domestically and internationally. This quote may reflect JFK's perspective on dealing with political opponents or adversaries during his time in office.

To understand the quote further, it is also helpful to analyze the words used. "Forgive your enemies" suggests an act of mercy, understanding, and letting go of resentment or anger towards those who have caused harm or conflict. "Never forget their names" implies the importance of remembering the actions or behaviors of others to protect yourself from similar harm in the future. Remembering their names can be seen as a way to remain vigilant and not fall into the same trap again.

Overall, this quote encourages forgiveness as a positive trait, but also emphasizes the importance of remaining cautious and aware of those who may have acted negatively towards you in the past.