Does anyone have any websites that shows different food webs? I need to find a food web with at least 12 different animals.

thank you!

I google imaged "food webs",and the first picture is good.

Certainly! To find a website that shows different food webs with at least 12 different animals, you can follow these steps:

1. Open your web browser.
2. Go to a search engine such as Google, Bing, or Yahoo.
3. In the search bar, type in keywords like "food webs with 12 animals" or "examples of food webs with multiple species."
4. Press enter or click on the search button.
5. Browse through the search results and look for websites or resources that provide examples of food webs with a variety of animals.

Here are a few specific websites that you can check out:

1. National Geographic Kids ( National Geographic Kids offers a variety of educational resources, including food web examples. They have interactive diagrams that showcase different animals and their interconnections.

2. Explore Food Webs ( This website specifically focuses on food webs and provides examples with multiple species. It allows you to explore the complexity of different ecosystems and their interconnectedness.

3. Ocean Food Web ( If you're interested in marine food webs, this website offers interactive visuals, explanations, and examples of various oceanic ecosystems, complete with numerous animals.

Remember to double-check the information and verify the credibility of the sources you find. Additionally, feel free to explore other relevant websites and educational platforms to find the specific food web examples you need.