which New Deal agency was created to help business?

a. Federal Reserve Board
b. National Recovery Administration
c. Civilian Conservation Corps
d. Home Owners' Loan Corporation



Yes, you are correct. The New Deal agency created to help businesses was the National Recovery Administration (NRA).

Now, let me explain how you can determine the correct answer on your own.

To answer this question, you need to be familiar with the objectives and functions of each New Deal agency mentioned. Here's a brief explanation of each option:

a. Federal Reserve Board: The Federal Reserve Board is the central banking system of the United States. It regulates monetary and financial stability in the country and was not specifically designed to help businesses during the New Deal era.

b. National Recovery Administration: The National Recovery Administration (NRA) was established in 1933. Its main objective was to stimulate economic recovery by providing businesses with industry-wide codes of fair competition. The NRA aimed to help businesses, workers, and consumers and create fair working conditions.

c. Civilian Conservation Corps: The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) was created to provide employment for young, unemployed men during the Great Depression. It focused on public works projects related to environmental conservation, such as reforestation and soil erosion prevention.

d. Home Owners' Loan Corporation: The Home Owners' Loan Corporation (HOLC) was established to aid homeowners who were at risk of foreclosure due to the Great Depression. It refinanced home mortgages to make them more affordable for struggling homeowners.

By analyzing the functions of each agency, it becomes clear that the National Recovery Administration (NRA) was specifically created to help businesses during the New Deal era.