which of the following was part of the New Deal legacy?

a. guaranteed health insurance for all citizens
b. an end to recessions in the economy
c. a restored sense of hope among the people
d. an end to discrimination against African Americans and women



To determine which of the options was part of the New Deal legacy, it is helpful to have a basic understanding of what the New Deal was. The New Deal was a series of programs and policies implemented by President Franklin D. Roosevelt during the 1930s in response to the Great Depression. Its primary goals were to stabilize the economy, provide relief to those suffering from the effects of the Depression, and reform the financial system to prevent future crises.

Considering the options:

a. guaranteed health insurance for all citizens: This was not a part of the New Deal legacy. The New Deal did not include a comprehensive health insurance program for all citizens.

b. an end to recessions in the economy: While the New Deal aimed to stabilize the economy and provide relief during the Depression, it did not completely eliminate recessions. Recessions are a natural part of the economic cycle and cannot be permanently eradicated.

c. a restored sense of hope among the people: This can be seen as part of the New Deal legacy. The New Deal aimed to give people hope and confidence during a time of great economic hardship by creating job opportunities and providing relief measures, such as Social Security and unemployment benefits.

d. an end to discrimination against African Americans and women: While the New Deal did include some efforts to improve conditions for minority groups and women, such as the Fair Labor Standards Act and the creation of the Civilian Conservation Corps, discrimination was not completely eliminated. The New Deal's focus was primarily on economic recovery and relief, rather than specifically addressing discrimination.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer is option c. a restored sense of hope among the people.