how did Woodrow Wilson's reform platform during the 1912 campaign differ from that of Theodore Roosevelt?

a. Wilson supported federal regulation of business
b. Wilson promised to preserve free economic competition
c. Wilson supported tariff reduction
d. Wilson promised to enforce antitrust laws

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Woodrow Wilson reform platform 1912 campaign differ from Theodore Roosevelt

Sure! To determine the differences between Woodrow Wilson's reform platform during the 1912 campaign and that of Theodore Roosevelt, we need to analyze the individual initiatives and policies each candidate supported. Here's what you can do to find the answer:

1. Research Woodrow Wilson's reform platform during the 1912 campaign: Look for reliable sources such as books, articles, or official campaign documents that outline Wilson's proposed reforms. Some resources to consider include biographies of Wilson, academic journals on the 1912 campaign, and primary sources like speeches or campaign materials.

2. Investigate Theodore Roosevelt's reform platform during the 1912 campaign: Similarly, find sources that detail Roosevelt's proposed reforms and policies during the same campaign. Compare these sources to the ones you found for Wilson to identify any differences in their respective reform platforms.

To help you get started, here's a breakdown of the options you provided:

a. Wilson supported federal regulation of business: This information suggests that Wilson advocated for increased government oversight and control over business practices. You can verify this stance by looking into Wilson's campaign speeches, policy proposals, or other relevant sources.

b. Wilson promised to preserve free economic competition: This statement seems to contradict the previous option. To fact-check this claim, you can search for Wilson's views on economic competition and see if he had a specific position on preserving free markets.

c. Wilson supported tariff reduction: Look for evidence in the sources about Wilson's stance on tariffs. Focus on finding information that confirms or refutes his support for reducing tariffs.

d. Wilson promised to enforce antitrust laws: Investigate if Wilson made any promises regarding the enforcement of antitrust laws during his campaign. Analyze reliable sources to determine if he specifically mentioned antitrust legislation and how he planned to address it.

By following these steps and conducting thorough research, you'll be able to identify the differences between Woodrow Wilson's reform platform and that of Theodore Roosevelt during the 1912 campaign. Remember to critically evaluate your sources and consider multiple perspectives to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the topic.