the building of the Panama Canal was important because it

a. helped stabilize the economies of Latin American countries
b. improved relations between Colombia and the United States
c. facilitated movement between Atlantic and Pacific ports
d. promoted European investment in the United States


Yes, you are correct. The building of the Panama Canal was important because it facilitated movement between Atlantic and Pacific ports.

Yes, the correct answer is C. The building of the Panama Canal facilitated movement between Atlantic and Pacific ports. To arrive at this answer, you can eliminate the other options by understanding their connections to the Panama Canal project.

Option A, "helped stabilize the economies of Latin American countries," is not directly related to the Panama Canal. While the construction of the canal did provide employment opportunities and economic benefits to workers and businesses in the region, its primary purpose was to improve global trade routes.

Option B, "improved relations between Colombia and the United States," is not entirely accurate. The construction of the Panama Canal initially led to strained relations between the United States and Colombia. The United States supported Panama's independence from Colombia in 1903 and negotiated the Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty, which granted the U.S. control over the Canal Zone. This decision created tensions between the two countries rather than improving relations.

Option D, "promoted European investment in the United States," is also incorrect. The Panama Canal primarily attracted American investment, as it was a major infrastructure project undertaken by the United States. While the canal did facilitate global trade and attracted investments from various countries, the main focus was on improving transportation and trade links between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

Overall, the Panama Canal's construction was of tremendous importance as it created a direct waterway between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, significantly reducing the travel time and costs for international shipping and trade.

